Everyone says this every. Single. Summer. But seriously, the summer is flying by! I’ve been a busy, busy, bee in these hot months. So I’ll give it to you straight on what I’ve been up to. In early June I went to Orlando with one of my best buddies. We went to the Universal Studio’s parks. It was the first time for both of so we went a little crazy soaking it all it.
I had grandiose plans to have book number 2 published before leaving for Orlando but those hopes were dashed when I still hadn’t received my manuscript back from my editor. I was also still waiting on some art work for the cover so things were just NOT coming together. It wasn’t written in the stars as they say. So June sped on and book number 2 was put on hold. You’ll notice I’m calling it book number 2 because I also hadn’t settled on a title. But more on that later…
At the end of June, I once again participated with my church’s vacation bible school. I wrote a whole article on vacation bible school last year which you can read about HERE.
So before I knew it, it was July. Only having just recovered from vacation bible school, my dad and I decided to roast a whole pig for the 4th of July. Now I’ll admit up front that he did most of the work. He built a pit to cook it in. We drove to pick up the beast. We dressed it, filled its stomach with a whole bunch of onions and sewed up his stomach real nice. Then came the 16 hours of actual cooking. Rest easy, only ONCE did all the pork juices catch on fire and engulf the whole pit in flames. At the end of the day we have a whole bunch of delicious pork meat to eat.
So the month of July ticked by and I still hadn’t received my manuscript back. It was after all my fault that it was so late. I had gotten it to my editor late, therefore other projects came ahead of mine. But I was starting to get seriously antsy. Finally on July 15, the long awaited for manuscript was delivered to my email inbox. YAY! I let out a huge sigh of relief. But that feeling of relief didn’t stick around for too much longer because it meant I had a whole lot more work ahead of me.
I was finally forced into settling on a title for book number 2. I asked my facebook friends for their input which I greatly appreciated but I was still left feeling unsure. So I thought, and I pondered, and I asked my writer’s group what they thought as well and even got the input of my editor. After a lot of deliberation I finally settled on… (Drumroll please) The Sacrifice of One!!! It’s the title that I felt best exemplified the book and the one that I personally liked the best.
So when will The Sacrifice of One be ready to actually read? Soon- is that a good enough answer? My 28th birthday is approaching and I’m hoping to have this book under my belt before then. After all, I’m already a quarter of the way through book number 3. I’m not going to be so bold as to name this book quite yet!
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about a way that I can keep you kind people more informed about the progress of my books. And I think I’ve come up with something that will do just the trick. Yes, it’s a little bit of a secret right now but I’ll soon be posting some updates to keep you in the loop!
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