We’re just 2 weeks away from the re-launch of The Bear Gap Rebels, Book #2 in the Camilla Crim series! As we approach this launch I want to keep introducing you to my characters. Truth be told, writing these blog posts about my characters is as helpful to me as it is interesting and entertaining for you. When I write, my characters really become a part of me. Reed is one of those characters that I thought up way long ago before I was even writing this series.

Reed is… how do I put it? He’s a bit of a mystery. In The Bear Gap Rebels, Camilla has a hard time getting a hold of him and figuring out his personality. To cut right to it, Reed has secrets and you don’t fully realize those secrets until the very end of The Dark Ruler, however, Reed will reveal one of his secrets part way through The Bear Gap Rebels!

Reed comes on the scene at the beginning of The Bear Gap Rebels. He claims to be a runaway Warwick soldier that has defected and wants to join the rebellion. Naturally the rebels, Camilla included, are suspicious of him. They allow him to live but keep him close, not letting him wander off in case he’s a spy for the Warwick militia. Eventually Reed is allowed into the fold and him and Camilla develop something of a friendship. 

So, what is Reed like? He’s tall, trim, and well built. Being a member of the Warwick militia has conditioned him for combat and as a result he’s got lithe arms and some nice defined abs ;). Speaking of his arms… Reed has a curious scar on his shoulder that Camilla notices immediately. Eventually he will share with Camilla how he received that scar, but you’ll have to read The Bear Gap Rebels to find out!

I can’t talk about Reed without mentioning his eyes. Reed was born with beautiful, terrifying, striking, blue eyes. When you look into Reed’s eyes they’re both gorgeous and unsettling. That combined with Reed propensity for freely touching Camilla, puts her on edge.

One thing that is not a mystery about Reed; the guy has a bit of an anger issue. Throughout The Bear Gap Rebels you’ll see him flair up a time or two. This shakes Camilla for obvious reasons, but Reed always seems to drum up a pure motivation for why he lashed out. Is he pure of heart or just a rage filled man? You decide. 

Despite some of Reed’s shortcomings and mysterious background, he quickly becomes a valuable asset to the rebels. His military experience, knowledge of the territory, and recent inside look into the Warwick army, put him in a position to make up carefully planned attacks with Camilla. 

Since you’ve taken the time to read this blog post, I’m going to let you in on a little secret about Reed. He’s going to become a very important character in this series, and a very integral part in what happens to Camilla in the next few books. I’d suggest keeping a keen eye on him, and judge him for yourself. Good guy? Bad guy? Good guy that’s just misguided? All are possible. 

Thanks for stopping by today and learning more about my characters in The Bear Gap Rebels! This book is due for re-launch on August 1st! Make sure you sign up for my email newsletter if you haven’t yet. You’ll get a FREE ebook copy of the first book in this series, The Sacrifice of One, and also be the first to hear the latest news on my book releases. 
