It’s here, finally here! The Dark Ruler, book #3 in the Camilla Crim series is now out and available for purchase.

A wicked man sits on the throne in Elmyra’s capital city, and Camilla is determined to end his reign by any means necessary. Blinded by her determination, Camilla will abandon her life in Bear Gap and join forces with Reed, a man she doesn’t know as well as she thought. Their plan? To kill The Supreme Ruler of Elmyra.

The plot to assassinate Quinten Warwick will lead them through treacherous terrain and down the infamous Thieves Road to the capital city of LilyAye. Once there, they must join with the LilyAye rebels and find a way to put an end to the country’s dark ruler.

Buy The Dark Ruler here:


Apple Books

Barnes and Noble


Also be sure to join me for my live book launch party this friday! I’ll be telling some behind-the-scenes stories about writing The Dark Ruler along with a Q and A session with the author. AND coolest thing of all, I’ll be giving away this bundle below to some lucky winner! I’m hosting the launch party over on Facebook. Make sure you go “like” my author Facebook page NOW so that when I go live you’ll be notified. Don’t miss out!

New to the Camilla Crim series?

You can read the first book in the series for FREE right now by signing up for my email newsletter HERE. Thank you to everyone who made this book possible. Go grab your copy NOW!
