My favorite time of the year has arrived! I know that it might be a little cliché to be both a writer and a lover of fall, but it’s who I am. Heck, throw in my love of Starbucks and I’m downright basic. I’ve already gone apple picking, drank apple cider, and got pumpkins to decorate my house. The only thing I haven’t done yet is get the pumpkin cream cold brew from Starbucks. Anybody here indulged yet?
Enough autumn talk.
The Sacrifice of One has gotten a few more shout outs on TikTok that you can check out HERE and HERE.
Remember! You can get a FREE ebook copy of The Sacrifice of One by clicking HERE.
I’ve recently been putting a lot of work into my Camilla Knowledge Base. After publishing The Dark Ruler, I started re-reading all 4 Camilla books and documenting everything about the series.
I now have a reference section for all of my characters that includes their backstory, physical description, and even cause of death (if it applies). No spoilers here, I promise! I’ve written out chapter summaries and a detailed timeline from pre-series events to what actually happens in the books and even what happens in between, off screen.
It has been a huge undertaking but a necessary one. I’ve even identified an inconsistency across the books that I can’t believe slipped through the cracks. *turns face in shame* I won’t tell you what it is but it’s a timeline thing that happens before the series starts but is spoken of several times. Apparently two of my characters recall the events happening at totally different times. I could blame it on my characters, right? No? Ok, fine. It was a detail I missed. Hey, this is why I’m doing this!
Right now, I only have to re-read and document The Dark Ruler which shouldn’t be too tough since I only finished this book earlier this year so I’m much less removed from its contents.
I joked with my writer’s group at our last meeting that as I was reading one my books, I had forgotten so much in the book that I said, this is a really good book! Who wrote this?? Oh, it was me!
Don’t worry I’m not usually that confident or positive about my writing. But it has been fun to live through Camilla’s adventures again with fresh eyes.
Looking forward, I have a tight schedule planned for October. I hope to re-read The Dark Ruler and officially finish my Camilla Knowledge Base, then complete a basic outline for the next Camilla book which I plan to rough draft during Nanowrimo this year.
Yes, you heard it right! I am participating in Nanowrimo this year. Last year I skipped it for the first time since 2012 because I was in the middle of edits for The Dark Ruler and it would have just been too much on my plate. I’m excited to dive back into Camilla’s world.
In case you don’t know what Nanowrimo is, it’s a sort of competition where writers from all over the world challenge themselves to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. I absolutely adore Nanowrimo and it’s how I got my start in writing. If anyone reading this is also participating and you want to be buddies, my username is efortney. I’d love to help encourage you through Nanowrimo!
I’ll be giving you updates on Nanowrimo and the next Camilla book in the near future! Remember, if you haven’t yet jumped head first into Camilla’s world, go check out The Sacrifice of One for FREE by clicking HERE. You’re going to want to be caught up when I release the next book!
Have a fabulous fall!
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