If you read my post from last month, you may have noted a hint of exhaustion in my voice, err written words…

Are you like me? I’ve always had this habit of piling things onto my plate, then getting overwhelmed, then saying “no” to everything, and then turning around and piling that plate back up again… It’s an exhausting trait. Why can’t I just find a nice happy medium?

The last few months I was feeling quite overwhelmed by everything I had given MYSELF to do. Yes, you read that right. I was feeling stressed over my own deadlines. I’ve had quite a few changes in my life over this past year, including going back to work full time, and yet I still felt like I could keep a strict book publishing timeline.

Well long story short, I had hoped/planned/anticipated on publishing The Crimson Witch in March of this year but sadly that will not be happening. I’m really disappointed and a bit ashamed of myself in having to tell you that, but the truth is, books take time. The deeper I get into the Camilla series, the more complex the plot gets. The last few months just simply did not go as I had hoped in progressing in this book.

But I am not alone in this speedbump. In fact I believe it was 2014 Emily that had to make this same concession to you. Was it 2014? Ugg who knows… Where does the time go? Anyway, it was back when I was attempting to publish my very first book, The Faintly Beating Heart. I had to keep putting that publication date back again and again and I felt so dumb for it. It was actually my Grammie (who was an avid reader of my books before she passed away) that encouraged me to not give up and that it was fine that the book was taking longer than expected.

And then there was 2017 Emily… Oh boy. This version of myself was trying very hard to finish up The Bear Gap Rebels while falling deeply in love with a boy who would later become my husband. That book too was published YEARS later than what I had planned on.

I guess 2023 Emily is in good company. Art takes time right? *Cringes at calling my own writing art*

So, what does this mean for The Crimson Witch? I’m still working on it, I PROMISE! I haven’t given up! But I have decided to not put any deadlines on myself at this point.

In the meantime, as always I hope you’ll go read your free copy of The Sacrifice of One (link below) and if you’ve already read that then make sure you go grab a copy of the rest of the books in the series too! Oh, have you already read all of the books in the series so far? Well then maybe you should consider being on my Street Team! Check out that application HERE.

And if you’re already on my Street Team then we’re already besties 😊.

Thank you as always for sticking with me through the ups and downs of author life. I am really excited to bring you The Crimson Witch when it is finally complete.

Oh, and one more thing, Happy Valentine’s Day! 


Prequel: The Faintly Beating Heart

Book #1: The Sacrifice of One   FREE eBook!

Book #2: The Bear Gap Rebels

Book #3: The Dark Ruler

Click HERE if you’re feeling generous and want to buy me a coffee. 🙂