My life has been on its side for the last 4 months and it feels really good to be settled again. In case you missed it in my last post, I just moved across the country to a city where I know… well nobody. I am back to my pre-move writing schedule and IT. FEELS. AMAZING.
I let you all know a few months ago that I was in a writing dessert and really struggling with the creative well. I was having a hard time thinking about Camilla and Portia and Johnny when I had so much other stuff going on in my life.
But I am back to my work on The Crimson Witch and let me tell you, nothing has changed. Portia’s still up to her same scheming. I won’t say anything else about that. 😀
Look, I know the subject of this post was confusing since it’s probably not your birthday. That’s because this month is my birthday! I will NOT be telling you how old I am cuz that’s depressing. All I’ll say is I remember a time when I had the goal of finishing the whole Camilla series BEFORE I turned 30. Let’s just say that ship sailed some time ago…
ANYWAY, we’re focusing on progress over perfection, right?
So, my birthday is coming up really soon and I have a gift for you. Yes, you read that right. I have a gift for you.
August is not just my birthday month, it’s my book’s birthday month too! My very first book, The Faintly Beating Heart, was published 7 years ago in August. That was such an incredible time in my life. I had done the thing that I had daydreamed about for forever. I will never forget that year.
The Faintly Beating Heart is the prequel to the Camilla series. It’s set 12 years before The Sacrifice of One and before Camilla’s story really begins. Although Camilla actually makes a cameo in the book, the storyline focuses on the love story between Knox and Mirabelle. That’s a tale with a lot of ups and downs (that are still playing out even in The Crimson Witch).
If you’ve every wanted to know more about the origin story of Quinten and his involvement with Portia, The Faintly Beating Heart is for you. It sheds light on Quinten’s greed, Portia’s powers, and Knox’s broken heart.
For a VERY limited time, I’m making the ebook FREE. Yes, 100% FREE. From today until Thursday the 11th, you can downloadThe Faintly Beating Heart for free from Amazon.
If you prefer a paperback book, I haven’t forgotten about you. I’m also running a sale on the paperback book for 20% off making it only $8. But it’s only on sale until Thursday 8/11 so don’t miss this!
Oh, and one more thing. Did you know you can get book #1 in the series for FREE just for being one of my rebels? If you haven’t read The Sacrifice of One yet, you can still go grab The Faintly Beating Heart for free today and then you’ve got 2 free books on your kindle to binge this weekend!
Celebrate with me! Go grab your copy of The Faintly Beating Heart today. Make me happy. It’s my birthday after all!
Kk, I’m getting back to work on The Crimson Witch now. Next month I’ll have some more updates on this book. I can’t wait!
Stay cool,
Your rebel leader, Emily
*Hey um, this is a little awkward, but I’m gonna say it anyway. Since it’s my birthday I did something a touch selfish. I set up a Kofi account for myself which lets you donate a coffee to me. If you like me and you’re feelin’ generous, you can head HERE to buy me a coffee. Thanx 🙂
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