Are You Searching for Something?
I hate it when I lose things. It seems like the important things are the things I perpetually misplace. Like my phone. How many times have I lost my phone and asked my sister to call it?! Too many to count…
But this is really not the type of ‘searching’ I’m referring to. Did you know every person on this earth is searching for something? Don’t believe me? Read on…
Humans are creatures of habit and loneliness (even us introverts get lonely sometimes!). We’re all filled with a void. We might not feel it all the time but it’s there, buried down deep… And we try to fill this void, it’s just human nature. We are on endless journeys to fill our lives with happiness and satisfaction. We try to achieve the allusive happiness with a myriad of things; love, family, careers, hobbies, passions, sports, pets, service, music, friends, kids, projects, destinies, religion… All those things, although good things, will never permanently fill the void. Because lovers cheat, kids disappoint, careers get outsourced, and pets die.
Have you ever considered why there are so many addicts in our society? Drugs, alcohol, pornography… It’s because those things bring an intense albeit temporary bliss. Why would we need these crutches if these other things made us happy? We wouldn’t. It’s because we all feel like we’re missing something. Some are just better at hiding the doubts.
All humans seek peace and satisfaction.
The sad thing is, none of those things I listed above will bring you lasting satisfaction. The good thing is, there is a way to find that peace. We must go to our creator. In the bible (Genesis 1:27 KJV) it says that God created us in his own image. And in Jeremiah 1:5 it says that God knew us before we were born! God knows us better than anyone because he is our creator. And he desires good things for us.
God wants us to feel that peace that comes from being his.
But there’s a problem. When God created us way back in the book of Genesis, he did not create us as robots. He gave us a free will. We are able to make our own choices and decisions. Because of that we have a sin nature. It means we are not born perfect, we’re born sinners. In fact the bible says in Romans 3:23 that we are all sinners! That means that every person on this earth has done something to displease God.
Sin separates us from our creator, God.
But God created a way. He created a way that we can choose him. God gives us the opportunity to have our sins forgiven and to claim him. Many years ago, God sent his son, Jesus, to the earth. It’s why we celebrate Christmas! He sent Jesus as a baby, born to a virgin woman named Mary. It was a holy birth, a supernatural birth. And Jesus was born and grew and all along he did not sin. He was perfect, unlike us. 2 Corinthians 5:21 says “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” What this verse is saying is that God allowed his son, Jesus, to take on our sin for us- “…made him to be sin for us…”. And the only way he could do that is because he was sinless- “…who knew no sin…”. So through this we can be pardoned of our sin- “…that we might be made the righteousness of God in him…”. Jesus becomes our advocate, our sacrifice.
Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice for us.
So how is all of this possible? It’s possible because of what Jesus did at the end of his life on earth. While on earth, Jesus preached and ministered and performed miracles but there were still many people who didn’t like him. And eventually he was put to death by crucifixion. But here comes the great part, the part that shows how much we are loved. Jesus was not only perfect, he was also holy, meaning he was God. So when he was put to death, without even uttering a word he could have put a stop to it all. He could have smitten the guards that beat him. He could have struck down everyone there with just a look. But he didn’t. He died because he loves us. He died to create this way for us. He died so we could choose him and find our purpose.
This is how much you are loved.
When Jesus died, he took on the sin of the world. Yes, he was put to death, but he knew it was going to happen and he allowed it. In Matthew 16:21 it says that Jesus knew he would be killed and he started to warn his disciples that this would happen. (P.S. I suggest reading through the whole story of Jesus’ death in Matthew 27:11-66; 28:1-6)
Then what is left for you to do?
Salvation (being saved from your sins) is a free gift. You need only to accept it. Do you admit that you are not perfect, that you have sinned? Do you believe that Jesus did this amazing work of dying on a cross so you can find forgiveness and freedom? If you said yes to these questions then talk to God right now. Tell him you are sorry for your sins. Ask for his forgiveness. Thank him for sending his son Jesus to die for you. And tell him that you accept him into your life.
If you have done this then you are a part of Gods family! In Ephesians 1:5, the bible says that we are adopted. Doesn’t that make you feel special?
But let’s bring this back around. Now that we know God, how can this make us feel happy and satisfied? Psalms 16:11 says “…in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” Wow. And what about this- “…I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.”(Psalms 17:15) Thought I was done? Read this- “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”
Does this mean that now your life will always be sunshine and roses??
Um no. But it does mean this; with God by your side you will feel a peace and a strength that will carry you through the toughest times. And late at night when you feel lonely and scared (you know those moments that none of us like to admit to) you can cling to Christ and he will comfort you. And here’s a great thought. For those who have accepted God, he has prepared a special home. That home is called heaven and it’s a wonderful place with no sin and where the presence of God and full and encompassing. And when you consider that that is your ultimate destination, then the things of earth seem to fade a little. That car repair you can’t afford doesn’t trouble you as much. Separation from your spouse of many years can be wrought with healing instead of devastation. And even through the death of a loved one, you can find hope.
By choosing God we find peace and satisfaction.
And that is the thing we all search for.