It’s launch week! We’re only 5 days away from the re-launch of The Sacrifice of One. I’ve got some cool stuff in the loop every day this week to share with you all, but I wanted to start off the week with a little favor. I know, I know, it’s awfully bold asking for a favor first off.
The thing is, a book launch is NOT just about the author. A big part of a launch is about the readers- that’s you! If you want to get your hands dirty and help ya girl out, get involved this week! Below is a list of things you can do that would not only be a big help to me, but it’ll also be fun!
1. Attend my virtual book launch. I’ll be going live on Facebook at 3pm this Saturday (the 20th) to celebrate the launch. I’ll be doing a giveaway, a Q & A, talking about some behind the scenes stuff, and also reading an excerpt from my book. The more the merrier. Tune in here this Saturday >>>
2. Tell others about my book. This could be in person, but it can also be a post on your social media. You’d be surprised how much of a HUGE help it is just to have a handful of people talking about a book on Facebook or Twitter. I’ve actually already gone through the trouble of creating some social media images that you can use! So if you want, you can grab one of these images and add your own text. Don’t know what to say? Just let people know you just bought this book and are excited to read it. Or just say, hey, this is the book I’m currently reading and it’s pretty good! Easy, right? You can access these images in a shared folder here >>>>
3. Are you on Goodreads? It takes 2 seconds to add my book to your to-read, or currently reading list. This creates buzz and lets other people on Goodreads know that people are interested in my book. That’s it! So easy and it helps! You can find my book on Goodreads here >>>
4. Have you already read The Sacrifice of One? You did? Awesome thanks! Now go leave a review! Reviews are like gold in the writing world. It takes 5 minuets to hop on Amazon or Goodreads and leave a reviews. It means the world to me and I would be soooo grateful. Here’s the links so you don’t even have to fishing for it >>> AMAZON or GOODREADS
5. Now for the paid way you can help me… Go buy my book! If you don’t, I’ll still like you, don’t worry. But an obvious way to help with my book launch is to go buy the book on launch day or the week following. Believe it or not, it’s not so much about the money. When you purchase my book on Amazon it increases my book’s rank which helps other readers discover it which leads to more sales and more readers. See how it keeps going and going? You can still read the eBook of The Sacrifice of One for FREE by going HERE, but consider, if you read it and you like it, can can still go purchase it from Amazon for only $.99 on launch day. Or perhaps you’d like to snag a beautiful paperback copy. You can do that by going here >>> AMAZON
It’s hard asking for help. I’m a bit of a ‘pull myself up by my bootstraps‘ kind of girl. But the truth is, a book launch needs a few teams to be successful; the writer, her editor, her beta readers, her launch team (aka street team), and the all important readers. That’s where you come in. If you’re tight on time, but you want to help, consider just picking one thing from this list. It would mean the WORLD to me!
Thank you all so much for your support!
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