Meet Camilla

Meet Camilla

We’re gearing up for the re-launch of The Sacrifice of One. There are only 4 more days! This Saturday I’ll be hosting a virtual book launch party over on Facebook, so make sure you pop over at 3pm on Saturday, June 20th >>>...

Cover Reveal for The Dark Ruler!

As promised, today is the day for the official title and cover reveal of my next book. I’ve been referring to this book as The Hated Warwick which was an okay working title but I knew it would probably need to change. I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching when it...

Gaping Plot Holes

Time flies when you’re having fun. Or as I like to say, time’s fun when you’re having flies- that’s what a frog says. It’s been five months since I’ve last checked in. Time really does fly… Since my last check in, I’ve written another book so give me a break, okay?...